Berghaus - Dragons Back Day 1
This was a monumental event.
This event took in the mountain peaks in Snowdonia and involved the participants covering around 60 miles each day over some of the toughest terrain Wales has to offer. In order to fully immerse myself in this event, I camped on location each night, personally moving each day to a new site and being self-contained during the week I was on site.
Before setting off to Wales I had to plan the individual shoot locations for each day. I wanted to tell a story of all the different terrains the runners had to cover throughout the event. The first day started with a dramatic climb ahead of me - 2 hours trekking up a mountain with all the equipment on my back for all the weather Wales could possibly throw at me, to a stunning location that enabled me to get photos of the runners as they started their descent from the peak. This turned out to be a fantastic location as it was an old mining trail that was used for bringing mined rocks down for building houses.
With the sun shining the runners were more than happy to play to the camera which allowed me to capture the true emotion of the runners, many of whom had come from across the world to take part in this unique event. Something which really made me feel humble was that I was thanked by so many people for being there to photograph them and for climbing up the mountain. Being a part of their journey built the camaraderie and this was carried through for the whole event. We really were all in this together.
Berghaus – Dragons Back Day 2
This time I had a relatively short hike up a large hill (instead of the mountain that greeted me the day before) which enabled me to get a town and hills into the background of the images giving another aspect of the variety of this unique event. Amazingly for Wales this was another day with glorious weather (surely this couldn’t carry on as it is Wales after all and the weather is unpredictable!) but, to all our relief, it did. The runners were happy to see me waiting at the top of the hill and keen to give me a wave. This was a gruelling event and the relationships being built between the participants was clear to see from the images, the way they all encouraged each other and provided support.
Berghaus – Dragons Back Day 3
The famous Welsh valleys – land of Sir Tom Jones.
Sun again and was the area was truly beautiful. I parked up on the side of the road in a spot that enabled me to see the runners coming from far in the distance, giving me the opportunity to get different looking photos from just one location. Taking in the streams and mountain pathways I was blown away by the beauty of this amazing landscape – only enhanced by the true determination of the participants.
Berghaus – Dragons Back Day 4
The final day of the event and I really wanted to capture both the start and the end of this phenomenal journey. I was up at 4.30 to make sure I was in position at 6am to get images of the entrants beginning their final ascent. A quick dash back to camp to pack everything away before racing off to get ahead of the runners at the finish line.
It was so important to me to be able to photograph the last part of their story and I was able to capture the raw emotions of the runners as they crossed the finish line of this fantastic event. Well, I got it all from hugs, tears, collapsing and expressions of true joy upon finishing this monumental event.
This event was a pleasure to photograph as I have never been thanked so much for what I consider to be just doing my job by all the runners for being up the mountains alongside them to capture them both at the top of the world and also down in the beautiful valleys of Wales.
Dragons I’ll be back!