RatRace - Mens Health Survival Of The Fittest

I covered both Cardiff and Nottingham this year. It was my first time at Cardiff Mens Health and the event and the location didn't disappoint, Both Cardiff and Nottingham are one day events with competitors running around areas of the cities with lots of obstacles thrown in for good measure.  

At both events, by complete chance, I ended up covering what they call the washing machine which is a large wooden structure with four doors on both sides and a machine pumping huge amounts of foam into it.  think back to your student days when you added too much washing powder at the local laundrette and you will get the idea.

This obstacle produced a lot of fun and laughter for the competitors. This for me was just too much to hold back from and I got stuck in with bubbles up to my chest and was soaked to the skin, but this enabled me to get some fantastic photos of the competitor as they tried to find their way through the bubbles and out the other side.  Let's face it if I hadn't jumped in by the end I would have been pushed in.  The photographer is never safe for long...

Some of these fun images will be posted on our Facebook page, so pop over and have a look.

